Its a pleasure to introduce you all to my new blog, "Weapon Zone". Well I would like to tell that collecting information and pictures of weapons is my new found interest. I am considering it to develop it into a full fledged hobby.
So I have chosen this blog as a platform to share my learnings. Hope it proves to be a nice experience. To begin with let us see what wikipedia tell us about weapons.
A weapon is an instrument of any kind, (as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, kill, or destroy, or in warfare or combat to attack and overcome an enemy. Weapons may be used to attack and defend, and consequently also to threaten or protect. Metaphorically, anything used to damage (even psychologically) can be referred to as a weapon. A weapon can be as simple as a club or as complex as an intercontinental ballistic missile.

The weapon is any tool or object that is used to increase the destructive range or power of a human. From the earliest traces of mankind up to our modern civilization, weapons have been a facet of human development. Weapons development has accelerated along with other areas of technology in more modern times. In ancient times, from the dawn of humanity through the Classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, weapons were primarily extensions of an individual's strength, essentially making up for the human body's lack of natural weapons such as claws. These weapons allowed the bearer to be substantially more lethal than a similar human without such a weapon.
For more information visit Wikipedia